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Under the warmth of a Hotel

Sweet home
born to take refuge and shelter,
after the raids in unexplored areas or between the near waves

Look mobile to orientate over the surroundings realities.
Area charitable after the knowledge of the visited places visited.

Natural return to the intimacy.
Place of confidence,
to discharge the worries & to feel fulfilled free and released

The scenery of a city is revealed different & full of surprises,
from the renewed view & perspective of a new & singular hotel.

There is something exclusive in some ancient hotels,
which adds a special delight and charm.

This elegant reflection from one century ago gets up still
elegantly & calmly next to the oceanic waters,
with the splendour of their interior, wide, high, hospitable stays.

Two ancient gathered rooms constitute now this
Flat in the third & penultimate floor,
to which one gains access by stately stairs or by an elevator,
portrait of artistic antiquity, mirror of an epoch

It's easy to imagine Gloria Swanson, descending for its footbridge
of wide steps, along with the receiver, while
a nostalgic look contemplates the twinkle of the glorious times.

It's not "Sunset Boulevard", but something remains in Boulevard Thiers,
the Avenue of 

which surrounds the beach up to the hill of Sainte-Barbe
where the Bay shows us aesthetic experience; there where the couple of Rohmer's movie,
after starter travel,
was watching, finally,
"the green ray", augury of beautiful experiences.
ChambreAuBordDeMer   Rooms by the Sea 1951 Edward HOPPER
      Centre, View from Boulevard Thiers street, 2014, ikuskerak
Hotel room  1931